ST Training Ltd is a Finnish company specializing in science education, teaching methods and learning psychology.
We are developing new methods of teaching and study skills coaching with the aim of reforming the Finnish education system and helping schools around the world to adopt new ways of teaching in order to improve their results.
We focus in particular on the following areas:
- Mathematical thinking and problem solving. We develop training methods that help students to get rid of the habit of memorizing rules and instead begin to develop creative problem solving skills and acquire a deep understanding of the underlying concepts.
- Efficient study skills for learning knowledge-based subjects such as biology, and developing a broad understanding that makes it easy to apply their knowledge.
- Learning psychology. How can you become interested in a subject if you are not interested already? What kind of memory techniques really help in learning? How to get yourself into an optimal mental state for learning? How to handle stress and anxiety that would otherwise hinder your performance.
- Modeling thinking strategies. What kind of mental processes produce the outcomes that we call creativity, intelligence or effectiveness and how is it possible to teach these processes to another person?
With improvements in these areas we want to influence the education of future generations. Finnish education system is one of the best in the world, but it does not mean that it can't be improved. There is still a lot that can be done to make it even better.